Usually I wait for the morning light or evening light to take photographs. But as I was walking around the house tonight, I noticed how beautifully the candle light danced on the walls. Simply had to share.
I hope that you had a good weekend.
Usually I wait for the morning light or evening light to take photographs. But as I was walking around the house tonight, I noticed how beautifully the candle light danced on the walls. Simply had to share. I hope that you had a good weekend.
Film. Kodak Ektar 100. One thing that I’ve learned in 8 years of marriage is that is Which is why nights like these are my favorite. Don’t get me wrong – It’s so hard to find the time, to plan, find a babysitter – so much effort just to get away for a couple of hours. But in the end, it’s worth it. Concentrating on what is important. Us. ******* In other news, I’m still working on updating this space and I’m loving this new way to display my archives. Such a great way to see a collage of photos I’ve posted here.
Around here, lately. The colors are rich this fall – I’m loving that. Film images coming soon – I’m still in the middle of a roll but I plan to finish up soon! Thanks for bearing with me while I update this space ~
Loving all the apples around the house. Definitely feels like Fall.
I visited an apple orchard for the very first time this past weekend. One of my girls did not want to walk. The other did not want to carry her apples. So this mama carried a toddler, a basket of apples, and heavy dslr around an orchard all morning. Exhausting! I’m amazed that I was even able to capture these shots. Any tasty apple recipes? Suggestions welcome. ****************** *Please excuse the blog over the next couple of days. I’m updating – cleaning things up a bit…..
Film. Kodak Ektar 100. (From the archives) I’m not quite sure why I haven’t shared these before – but these are captures from my favorite French bakery back in Pittsburgh – Jean-Marc Chatellier’s French Bakery, to be exact. I made weekly stops here, picking up macarons and apple tarts. I miss this little place….. A few links for you today~
I’m not that good at handling change. It takes me a while. I like to hold on to what I know, what is familiar, what feels right. But the only thing that is constant, guaranteed even – is change. But I adapt, I bend, I make it work. I have to – there are two little girls that depend on me! And they make it worth it.
This baby girl is ready to get outside~ What you don’t hear are the earth-shattering screams that go along with pulling at the door! Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.
Film. Kodak Ektar 100 It felt really good to visit an old school record shop in these days of iTunes and instant downloads. Browsing, coffee in hand, spending time with my nephews, finding artists I haven’t heard of before – good times~
gorgeous, love the third photo
I love simple shots like this that represent little pieces of people’s lives. Love that first photo. Beautiful, keep it up!!