I hope that you had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!
Congrats to Christina who won the giveaway for the spot in Creativity Boot Camp. Your answers were so touching, I wish I could have given away a spot to everyone who entered….
Just wanted to let you know that I am going to be away from this space this week – I am extremely busy with a few things in my life that require my full attention. Isn’t that how life is sometimes? I’ll be back next week with more images to share.
I’ll leave you with this capture of my baby girl playing in bed. I couldn’t resist her reflection in the mirror!
Have a wonderful week, my friends ~
Film. Kodak Portra 400nc
A couple of images from my kitchen recently. Just looking at these images makes me hungry!!
A couple of links to share with you today.
+ Love these portraits by Ashley Oostdyck.
+ Suzie is writing an wonderful photographic guide to shooting film on Indie Foxx.
+ This cookbook is next on my list.
+ Love the simplicity and anticipation in this image by Katarina.
+ Tim captures light like no one else I know.
+ Karen’s lessons learned from spending a week with little people.
Have a wonderful Wednesday~
Film. Kodak Ektar 100
I mentioned in an earlier post that I was honored to be a special guest of Maegan’s Creativity Boot Camp this year! Meagan has designed an artistic course, one that concentrates not only on photography, but “the work of your soul“.
The course is two weeks, beginning May 15. It will be filled with activities devoted to creativity, ideas for journaling, and thoughts + inspiration by other artists (myself included).
You can find all the information you need here. What’s more? Meagan is donating half of all money collected from the course to Show Hope, an organization devoted to orphan care.
I am happy to give away a spot in the course to one of my readers. I would love for you to experience this creative journey! Please leave a comment and let me know how Creativity Boot Camp would inspire you. A winner would be chosen randomly. Entries will be accepted until Friday, May 6 at noon EST. Good luck!
Update: Congratulations to Christina of Soul Aperture who won the spot in the course!
Thanks so all who entered!
Film. Kodak Portra 400nc
It’s the normal weekends that mean the most. The kind that don’t involve any plans, or anything grand. Just filled with conversation, laughter, good food, and a glass of wine.
It’s hard to believe that May is upon us already. I am treasuring weekends such as this. Things are going to get a bit busy for me (in a good way)!
I hope you had an equally enjoyable weekend ~
Film. Kodak Ektar 100
A couple more shots from this past weekend, makes me want to climb right back in bed this second!
A few things ~
+ Loving Irene’s artful images of Spring in NYC.
+ Inspired by this portfolio.
+ I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who gets funny looks from others while shooting in public. Thanks so much for your candid responses in my last post!
+ Just received a Fuji Instax and I’m loving it so far, but man it is BIG! I’ll share some images soon…
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such a sweet image!
this has to be one of my very favorite photos, of yours.
and thank you~ i look so forward to this class.
have a wonderful week my friend.
Beautiful photo. I hope your Mother’s Day was also wonderful.
Love this! What an amazing image. I hope you have a good time while you’re ‘away’. xoxo, K
This is so very creative..so filled with whimsy. Love it!
wonderful photo, such a soft tone and how nice to see that cute little girl playing.
Just came across your blog, and I’m so glad I did! It is absolutely love, and your photography is beautiful. Off to explore more of it.