the sweet light » Film photography and natural light.

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© Azzari Jarrett

There’s nothing quite like a light leak on the beach.  

I’ve been thinking so much about this space.  I started the sweet light with this post in 2010.  As I stated then, I wanted this blog to be  “a place that I would want to grow and share my vulnerabilities as well as my strengths, essentially – my journey of photography.”

And in many ways, this blog has done exactly that.  My entire journey into film photography has been documented in this space.   When I look my first post with film,  I still get excited.  I remember how my first roll came out completely blank, and I used that as motivation to keep at it.  I had fallen in love with photography once again.

And as my family has grown and other major life changes, I have not posted as often as I would have liked.  At times, I have felt that I should only post film.  If I didn’t have film images, I didn’t post.  I’m not sure why I put that restriction on myself.  I never started this space with that in mind.  With that being said, I am not going to stop shooting film!

I plan to continue posting here, but you will see digital images, as well as film.  I will grab whatever camera that captures the mood of what I feel, regardless of the medium used to capture it.  I find that if I restrict myself – in any kind of way – my creativity and inspiration are affected.   I have also found that I lose steam if I don’t post what interests me.  And in this regard, I know that I will lose some readers, as well as gain a few.  But in the end, I will stay true to myself and continue to make this space one in which I can share my photography as I grow and evolve as an artist.  And hopefully, continue to foster a community of like minded individuals!

I have also realized that I am posting and sharing the outcome of my work, but not the process of producing the images.  So you can definitely expect more of that here – I plan to open up more about how and tips that I’ve picked up along the way.  Sometimes I will have words to accompany my images, and other times I may not.  I also would like to share more of the inspiration beyond my images.

And as always, thanks for reading and following me this far in my journey, as I know some of you have been following me since the very beginning.

  • Pink Ronnie - May 19, 2014 - 8:30 pm

    How lovely Azzari – I will definitely be following along. I still aspire to learning how to shoot film and you were one of the first film photographers whose work I followed.
    Ronnie xoReplyCancel

    • Azzari - May 21, 2014 - 9:30 pm

      Thanks Ronnie! I appreciate your kind words.ReplyCancel

  • Sharon Caillier - May 20, 2014 - 12:14 am

    This is truly a beautiful photograph. I wish I could have been there. I don’t know much about film photography, but I will definitely continue to follow your blog to see what I can learn.ReplyCancel

  • rachel del grosso - May 21, 2014 - 10:12 am

    oh gosh, yes please, please help me become better at film!! i just sent two rolls off to the lab and i wouldn’t be surprised if they came back horrid.ReplyCancel

    • Azzari - May 21, 2014 - 9:29 pm

      I’m sure they won’t Rachel! Can’t wait to see them.ReplyCancel

  • Patricia - May 21, 2014 - 3:15 pm

    As I truly enjoy your photography, I am pleased that you will be posting more regularly whether film or digital. Also pleased to hear that you will be posting some tips and the inspiration beyond the photos.ReplyCancel

    • Azzari - May 21, 2014 - 9:28 pm

      Thanks for your kind words, Patricia.ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett

© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett

I planted peony bulbs in my garden about 3 years ago.  It has taken them this long to develop, establish themselves firmly and grow.  And oh my, how they have grown this year!  A little tip that I learned that I want to share in case you decide to plant your own.  My peony buds were covered in ants at certain times.  I almost got rid of them, thinking that they would harm the blooms.  Quite the opposite, the ants actually eat the sweet nectar of the blooms in exchange for attacking bud-eating pests.  They actually help the peonies to bloom.

And bloom is exactly what they did.  I was able to fill the house with these beauties, and if I could bottle the sweet aroma and and insert it here, I most certainly would.

And because I can’t help but shoot with film, I captured the peonies on Polaroid film~

© Azzari Jarrett

When I photograph with Polaroid film, I always get the feeling that it will live on forever.  Far beyond my years.  Only time will tell.

  • line - May 12, 2014 - 8:48 am

    I love Polaroid is it the impossible project film and what kind of cameraReplyCancel

    • Azzari - May 12, 2014 - 9:29 am

      Hi Line, this is expired Polaroid 600 color film. I used a polaroid 680 camera.ReplyCancel

  • Jay - May 18, 2014 - 9:07 pm

    Same for me! I was so disappointed planting them the first year then they got moved around and I thought they were gone forever but this year it looks like they’re finally going to bloom and I am so excited!ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett

A few signs of spring around here ~

More, soon.

  • Vickie - April 14, 2014 - 6:18 am

    simply beautiful :)ReplyCancel

    • A. Jarrett - April 14, 2014 - 8:32 pm

      thank you, Vickie!ReplyCancel

  • Stephanie Louise - April 14, 2014 - 10:02 am

    Such soft and beautiful bright photos. I definitely felt spring looking at them. Beautiful flowers!ReplyCancel

    • A. Jarrett - April 14, 2014 - 8:32 pm

      many thanks Stephanie!ReplyCancel

  • Daniella - April 14, 2014 - 10:44 am

    Pretty light!ReplyCancel

    • A. Jarrett - April 14, 2014 - 8:31 pm

      thank you!ReplyCancel

  • sarah - April 15, 2014 - 10:09 am

    i love love love all these beautifully soft pink/beige tones. gorgeous.ReplyCancel

    • A. Jarrett - April 15, 2014 - 4:03 pm

      Such a compliment coming from you, sarah! thank you.ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett

It’s spring break here, and we are spending a few days enjoying the beach in Florida.  A much needed getaway, a break from routine.

I escaped early one morning, as I usually do, to enjoy the sights and sounds of the beach before my family woke.  So peaceful, serene.  Perfect.

  • Karin - April 9, 2014 - 3:58 pm

    Spring and the beach, what a perfect combination. Enjoy!ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari Jarrett© Azzari JarrettLeftover beads from Mardi Gras were around every corner in New Orleans.  But it is the contrast and architecture of the city that stood out for me the most, and this black and white film captures that essence.

A few links:

  • I’m a guest over at habit this month, contributing photos + words.  I am immensely enjoying capturing bits of my daily life to share.  I am in good company.
  • I’ve created a tumblr blog where I am posting some of my film work.  I don’t expect any changes here, I just love sharing on that platform as well.
  • Sharon Caillier - April 2, 2014 - 11:01 pm

    This is beautiful work. You are so talented and I love your work.ReplyCancel

  • Jay - April 7, 2014 - 6:21 pm

    I’m going to New Orleans tomorrow and I can’t wait! And I’m also glad I missed Mardi Gras.ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett

© Azzari Jarrett

© Azzari Jarrett

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I took a quick trip to New Orleans.  We make this trip quite often.  New Orleans holds such a special place in our hearts.  This is where we met, dated, and married almost eleven years ago.

It was the quiet stillness of the our mornings that I loved the most – breakfast in bed, coffee while we watched the sun come up, and slowly easing into the day.

More images coming soon.

  • sarah - April 1, 2014 - 10:03 am

    oh, man. these are so special. can’t wait to see more. i was only in new orleans for three days but it stole my heart away completely – i can’t imagine having the added benefit of living out a romance there. such sweet memories!ReplyCancel

© Azzari Jarrett Photography

“Becoming a parent is difficult to talk and write about, not because the words are hard to find (though they are), but because when you find them, they feel too intimate to share. The smells and sounds and stirrings of the heart are individual and holy. There’s a sense in which the universal experience is yours alone when the opposite is actually true. You hesitate to say anything at all, as if staying quiet better preserves the miracle.”

Nikaela Marie Peters, in New Lease on Life

© Azzari Jarrett

ajarrett-2© Azzari Jarrett

Muffins, morning light, and a hint of spring.

  • Dottie - March 9, 2014 - 10:33 pm

    Lovely morning light.

    I see you’re working with a Fuji X100s. A few months ago I bought a Fuji X-e1, and I’m finding it, along with VSCO film packs, to produce very satisfactory results that maintain my film-like aesthetic. Likewise, I never would have guessed that your images here were digital.ReplyCancel

    • A. Jarrett - March 17, 2014 - 4:00 pm

      Love the feel of the x100s in my hands, Dottie! These are all straight out of the camera, not editing, but I think I will have to try the VSCO film packs.ReplyCancel